
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fulton Science Academy Learning Styles

Fulton Science Academy recognizes the fact that children learn in different ways. Although how humans learn is a complex subject, there is one basic assumption that is undeniable--one size does not fit all! Everyone has learning strengths and preferences even though people do not necessarily learn in the same ways. The importance of identifying learning style is that it not only provides each child with his or her unique set of strengths, it provides teachers with an organized approach for the application of individualized instruction in the classroom. At the same time, parents are better prepared in assisting their children with homework. This includes providing the right setting and various other aspects of learning environments related to improved achievement, behaviors and attitudes toward learning. Because visual intelligence does not fully develop until 2nd or 3rd grade (ages 7-8) and auditory intelligence does not fully develop until 5th or 6th grade (ages 10-11), understanding a student's strengths is essential to rewarding learning experiences both in the classroom and at home.
Each student at Fulton Science Academy is surveyed using Dunn & Dunn Learning Styles Model at the beginning of school year and the detailed results are shared with students, parents and faculty to create best learning environment for our precious students.
Learning style is a concept utilized worldwide. For the past 30+ years, the International Learning Styles Network (ILSN) has been helping both children and adults reach their full learning potential. In 1996, Professor Rita Dunn began replacing the original assessments with updated online versions that catered to both Analytic and Global learners and include both text and graphic images. The venerable research upon which the Dunn and Dunn Model was built continues as the assessments are improved. 

Professor Rita Dunn (1929-2009) co-authored each assessment currently offered at The Dunn and Dunn Model dates back to the late 1960s after Drs. Rita and Kenneth Dunn reviewed over 80 years of research on the subject of how children learn differently. The assessments we offer replace those previously developed by the Dunns. While there are those who continue to obfuscate the value of learning style, over 850 articles based on quantitative and experiential research conclude just the opposite. Learning style DOES make a difference; just ask those parents, teachers and students who have benefited through the understanding that one size does not fit all! Respecting the diversity of differences means no one is left behind!


  1. It is very promising that fsa private school teachers care about learning styles of students. Differentiated instruction is not a feature of most of the schools nowadays. Thank you so much for reinforcing it!

  2. Great idea! I love the fact that Fulton Science Academy always find new ways to improve the quality of education.

  3. It is an excellent insight in our child's learning preferences! Thank you FSA for doing this!

  4. Thank you FSA team for coming up with proven/creative ways to enhance the education experience !

  5. This is the first time I heard learning style test.I like it. I think it is a great way of integrating technology into education.

  6. As a parent I greatly appreciate a scientific method of discovering learning styles and then executing upon them. Thanks FSA Privete.
