
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Robotics Team Sweet Success Party

Robotics Teams  have completed all the tournaments this year. After  a wonderful FLL year, our students deserved a sweet success party. The party was on Wednesday, February 20, 2013 at 3.30pm in the school cafeteria. 

Fulton Science Academy Robotics Team Sweet Success Party

Fulton Science Academy Robotics Team Sweet Success Party

Even though all competitions are done for this year for FLL , it does not mean we quit studying. We have already started to work for next year's FLL Challenge called "Nature's Fury Challenge".

Additionally, our robotic teams will work on their building and programing skills preparing for a school wide sumo-bot competition. We will create 5 teams from our robotics members and they will compete to find out the best sumo-bot.

What is Sumobot Competition

Robotic sumo is a competition where two robots, known as sumo-bots, push each other out of an arena using mechanisms, cunning, and brute force. The goal is to create sumo-bots that can push its opponent out of the arena before being pushed out of the arena by the competing sumo-bots.

All participating robots, known as sumo-bots, shall be only constructed with unmodified LEGO construction components. They must also be completely autonomous — that is, acting independently of humans.

Congratulations to all robotics  students and  their parents for this wonderful year.

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